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International Shipping

All international shipments are expedited via Federal Express, as this carrier offers instant package tracking from the moment of departure.
Due to the uniqueness of international shipping, the shipping quotation provided may differ from the ultimate total. In the event the actual shipping charges exceed the amount quoted, you will be notified via e-mail prior to order departure. In this event, you will be asked to accept the charges or to cancel the order. Additionally, shipping rates provided do not include customs duties, tax, or VAT charges. Such charges are mandated by the country of destination, and will vary depending on amount of items and or the monetary value of items ordered. All items shipped are declared in U.S. Dollars. Please contact your local customs office to verify if such charges will apply to your order. Shipping transit time is 4-6 working days, door to door.

Due to security issues, we DO NOT use the postal service for international shipments with the exception of Canada ground.

If this is your first order with Wolfsburg West and your address in not located within the USA we will contact you via email for additional proof that the credit card is yours.

If you have any questions pertaining to this topic or your order in general please e-mail us at, and we will get in touch with you.

Please Note!
Standard Air Service is not available to all countries! If you receive an error after clicking on the Submit International Shipping button below then you will need to select the Priority Shipping method.

Please Select the Ship To Country